Cades Cove Proposal - Brad & Olivia & Family -Great Smoky Mountains National Park - Gatlinburg Famil
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Friday, February 24, 2017
By Rich Blessings Photography
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Sally contacted me for a family photography session in Cades Cove but she also wanted to help her brother, Brad, propose to his girlfriend, Olivia.  We set up the perfect time for the session and I met them at the Cove.  Brad decided to propose fairly early in the session because none of them wanted to wait!  With Olivia clueless as to what was going on, we set them in the field, back to back and gave them both chalkboards and asked them to write down something they love about each other and show it to the camera without the other being able to see what was written.  After doing it 2 times, we switched Brad's chalkboard with a sign that says "I'm Gonna Marry that Girl" and asked them to stand up and have Olivia turn around!  It was a beautiful moment and she, of course, said YES!   I love sessions in Cades is truly the epitome of the beauty that the Smoky Mountains has to offer.

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